Tinolang Manok Bisaya is the best dish particularly during cold weather because it keeps us stay warm. The preparation time is five minutes, cooking time is one hour and the total time is 1 hour and 5 minutes. You can then already serve, share and enjoy your meal. Tinolang Manok Bisaya is one of my comfort food. It is a great tasting and healthy dish to prepare for our family, friends and visitors. I like the idea of having Tinolang Manok Bisaya at least once per week or twice a month. It is also easy to cook and friendly on the budget.
The ingredients of this chicken soup are the following:
•1 piece chicken
•1 piece chayote,
•1 cup malunggay leaves or 1 cup chili leaves
•5-6 cups of water,
•lemon grass
•Knorr Chicken cube.
The cooking procedure:
1. In a large pot pour the water.
2. Put the chicken that is already cut into pieces and boil it.
3. When it is already boiled, put the cut chayote
4. Put 1 cup of malunggay or chili leaves, lemon grass, salt and other seasonings that you want to add like Knorr Chicken cube.
Adding chicken cube on the tinola it helps make the soup taste better.
The Benefits :
According to Panlasang Pinoy that the benefits of Tinolang Manok is it is excellent source of protein. Our muscles rely on amino acids in order to build, repair and develop. Protein is composed of amino acids. This means that eating high protein food such as chicken can help keep our muscles healthy.
When my father cooked this dish for us, I always asked him on what to do. I used to be his assistant during the time when he cook and that is the reason why I learned cooking this dish. My father and mother both loves cooking. But the difference between the two of them is my father is more on cooking different soups either beef, pork, chicken and his special recipe the vegetables just like Bas-oy. And my mother's specialty is more on fried dishes and desserts. Cooking is my greatest weakness before, but now it becomes my strength. I love eating specially homemade foods and I promised to myself that I will become a good chef in our family. I can apply the techniques on how to cook healthy and nutritious food that I learned from my parents. When I have nothing to do, I always insisted that I'd be the one to prepare our food because cooking helps me feel better. The first time I cooked this chicken soup there was a feeling of excitement and relief. When it is already cooked I felt so happy that I made it. In my 21 years of existence I have this realization that it is very important to explore and learn more about cooking tips and techniques. Because cooking can create the feeling of happiness.